11 Things Cats Love More Than a Fresh Meal - Pawsona

11 Things Cats Love More Than a Fresh Meal

Cats, like people, change their minds about what they find interesting, fun, or exciting as they get older—your cat may love her feather toy one day and find it dull the next. It's your responsibility as a kitty parent to notice when your cat's interests shift so you can keep her happy, healthy, and engaged. If you're curious as to what your cat likes, then keep reading for insight on the things your cat loves the most.

1. High Spots

The majority of cats prefer to sleep and hang out in areas with good views. Cats prefer to be in the upper half of the room, where they can keep an eye on the world around them, whether it's the top of a refrigerator, a high shelf, or a window perch.

2. Boxes

Cats love boxes because they provide them with comfort and security. Boxes provide a secure haven for a cat to observe while being unseen. This is ideal for cats, whose natural reaction to stress is to run and hide. A study conducted by the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands discovered that providing cats with boxes reduced their stress levels. Another study done by the National Research Council found that boxes can assist keep a cat warm.

3. Looking out the windows at the world

Although cats do not rely on sight as their primary sense, they can see reasonably well at distances of up to 20 feet. Open some of your curtains and blinds to let your cat view what's going on outside.

4. Cat toys that imitate the prey

Cats take their play very seriously. Through play, they exercise their natural hunting instincts. Toys that add realism to a pretend-hunting expedition are the most popular among cats. The more a cat likes a toy that feels, looks, moves, and even smells like prey, the better.

5. The high-pitched tone of voice

Cats enjoy being talked to, and scientific evidence supports this claim. Cats are more likely to respond and socialize with humans if they are addressed in a calm and soft voice. This means that volume and tone of voice are important factors to consider while talking with felines since they may feel comfortable or frightened depending on the volume or tone of our voice.

6. Heat

According to archaeological evidence, all domestic cats descended from the African wildcat Felis Silvestris Lybica, which originated in the Middle East. As relatives of desert animals, domestic cats are hardwired to flourish in hot temperatures. Cats living in cooler climates must compensate for their temperature sensitivity, as they have an average body temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

7. Catnip

Cats adore catnip, and most of them become hyperactive when exposed to this plant. Cat behaviorists frequently recommend catnip for stress relief in situations such as traveling, introducing a new pet, or relocating to a new home. Catnip is thought to target the "happy" receptors in the feline brain, according to researchers. Certain brain chemicals related to happiness and mood are stimulated. According to veterinarians, this should only give two or three times every week. According to the Humane Society, if you treat catnip like candy, your cat may get desensitized.

8. Cat Music Is Playing

Cats enjoy music, but according to new research, they don't like human music. According to a study published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science, music must be made specifically for cats for them to enjoy it.

9. Running water

Drinking water from a running faucet is a favorite activity of cats. This is because cats are naturally suspicious of stagnant water. Standing water in the environment serves as a breeding ground for bacteria and can make wild cats very sick. The tap water is also likely to taste better because it is cooler and oxygenated.

10. You

If there's one thing your cat loves more than food, it's you, the human who showers them with love and affection. What attracts cats the most was the subject of a 2017 study done at Oregon State University. The researchers gave cats the choices of food, toys, fragrance, or social interaction with humans and observed what happened. They discovered that most cats prefer social interaction with humans above everything else, including food. In another research, researchers exposed cats and their owners to a strange environment they had never experienced before. They allowed the cat and the owner to be in the same room for a few minutes. The owner then left the room, leaving the cat alone for two minutes. Two minutes was shown to be a stressor milestone for cats, according to scientists.

11. Scratching

Scratching is an instinct for cats. This one activity meets a vast range of primal needs. Scratching can be encouraged by adding scratching posts throughout your home. Scratching posts should be tall and strong. Without the posts tumbling over, your pet should be able to easily reach up, stretch, and scratch.

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